Our middle school student's started unit days this week!
To start the year, here are the sport's each grade is participating in:
5th grade: rugby
6th grade: soccer
7th grade: ultimate frisbee
8th grade: flag football
Our middle school student's are in charge of their own learning during unit days. We call this "student-led" learning. We have found that our student's really take ownership in being responsible for their team. We have so many talented leaders that it was only natural to allow them to shine in designated roles with their peers.
Student's are assigned teams (Cubs, Sox, Bulls, Blackhawks, Sky, Wolves, Bears) As P.E. teacher's, we assign different coach's, equipment manager's, and publicist's for each unit day.
Our coach's are responsible for keeping their team on track/organizing their team and practicing the skills/drills for the day. The P.E. teacher's give each coach a "game plan" and it is up to the student coach's to lead their teams.
Equipment Manager's:
Our equipment manager's are responsible for bringing necessary equipment outside to the field for their team and bring it back in after class.
Our publicist's also play an important role on unit days. They are the "sports reporters." Student's who are assigned to be the publicist's write a brief report about how their team did during the skills/game play for the day. They write down 2-3 sentences about how their team did and what they can improve on for next time.
Below are some photos of our student's in action on Day 1!
6th grade working on a passing drill |
7th Grade working on frisbee throwing/catching |
8th grade "team talk" before starting their flag football practice |
The publicist's busy writing their team report |
5th grade publicist game report example |