Monday, October 10, 2016
Mindful Monday
Everyday, at the end of PE class for elementary and at the beginning of class for middle school, student's lay in savasana. It gives student's an opportunity to relax, reflect, and re-focus for class. It also helps them cool down and calm down. What a difference it has made in creating peaceful energy in our student's. With our lives moving so quickly, it gives student's a chance to pause for one minute of their day. Laying in savasanna is similar to "re-booting" a computer. It gives us a chance to rest and re-program our mind and body to take on new challenges we face throughout the day. According to a program called Mindful Schools, it has lead to zero detentions and higher attendance ratings at some schools. Click on the link to learn more: Mindfulness in School
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
P.E. Elementary News Update
With the school year well underway, elementary student's have been learning and practicing their throwing and catching skills. We have spent the past couple of weeks teaching and practicing our underhand throwing (tick-tock, step, throw), overhand throwing (T, L, step, throw) and catching (diamonds up/hands up). Below is a picture of some student's in action. Check back soon for a middle school update on rugby!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Get the New Mustang Gear Here
Get in the Mustang spirit with the new Mustang hoodie, sweat pants, and baseball tee. Rock this stylish new gear with swagger. Purchasing any of these items also helps support the P.E. department at King Arts. It helps us buy new equipment for our student's to use year after year. Thank you in advance for your support! Please turn in any forms/money to Coach Springer. Order forms are due by September 30th. Click on the link to access the order form:
Mustang Gear Order Form

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Welcome Back!
We are ready to kick start the 2016-2017 school year! Over the summer, Coach Springer and Coach M. worked at the Y.M.C.A camp in Evanston. Coach M traveled to California and New York on vacation and Coach Springer went to Texas to visit family and friends in Austin. They both continued staying active and work out. Coach Hendricks completed a half Ironman race, learned how to wake surf, and did some dog-sitting. We are extremely excited to teach this school year and to use our new track! A special THANK YOU to our PTA and for all the community support for making this happen. We are excited to get moving!
Monday, May 9, 2016
Parachute Week
Last week, the elementary student's participated in their favorite P.E. activity, the parachute! The parachute is a fun way to incorporate team work within P.E. Below are some pictures of the student's in action.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
King Arts 3rd and 4th Learn About Tennis from Special Guest in P.E.
The last two days, Coach Walton has graciously volunteered his time to bring in tennis rackets, nets, and balls as well as his tennis expertise to teach our 3rd and 4th graders tennis skills. The student's all participated in tennis drills as well as a fun tennis tournament. Below are some pictures of the student's in action. A big thank you to Coach Walton for coming in to teach our kids!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Cup Stacking at MLK
MLK student's have been cup stacking in P.E. class! This activity is an excellent way to improve hand-eye coordination. Research shows that this activity activates the right and left brain and helps with bilateral coordination. It is a great way to incorporate fitness into the physical education curriculum and it is a brain-based activity. Both middle school and elementary student's have been practicing how to cup stack using proper form with both hands by doing the 3 cup and 6 cup system. Below are some videos of student's in action.
Cup Stacking from Kristin Hendricks on Vimeo.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Jump Rope for Heart Fundraising Begins Today!
Today MLK student's are learning about how they can raise money to help children with heart disease. This also helps raise awareness to the importance of being heart healthy by exercising every day. Student's are receiving a packet to take home with information about various fundraising prizes student's can earn. Also, there's information about how student's can go online to create a donation account. Last year, we raised over $7,000! Our goal for this year is to raise $10,000. Click on the link to create an account for online donations.
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